Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Few of Our Favorite Things

There have been a few items that we discovered that are must haves for being parents of little Rusty.

First, we have the "Safe and Secure Sleeper". I swore up and down that I would NEVER co-sleep, or sleep with my baby in my bed. Well that lasted a total of one day! We even had his crib in our room but found it more convenient to have him within arms reach. We headed out to target and picked up this little guy. We are able to have little Rusty "safe and secure" between us in our king size bed in his mini bed. It has definitely saved my sanity to be able to just roll over and pick him up to nurse without leaving the comfort of my bed. I let daddy get out of bed for the midnight changes! =) Next, we have the nursing cover. I use this everyday for modesty while nursing, especially since we live with my parents at the moment. It is a nice to have everyone comfortable with out me having to leave the room to nurse.
I have to say that I LOVE the little pee line they have on the newborn Huggies! Well, i guess they have them on Pampers too but we started with Huggies and I haven't gotten to the bigger sizes yet. We just love that all you have to do to check for a diaper change is look down the back and check the pee line! No more guessing if he has peed his diaper or not! I will enjoy these while I can cause once he is big enough, we are switching to the Costco, Kirtland brand of diapers. =(
Another must have is our car seat canopy. I felt safe enough having this cover my little guy, to get out of the house and run errands or go out to eat when Rusty was only a couple days old. I love that it stops all the Ooos and Ahhhs and people breathing in his face. We even took him to church when he was 5 days old. We would just show them a picture whenever anyone wanted to see what he looked like, and say that we are keeping him covered! I saw a bunch of cute covers before Russell was born and just had to have one. I asked someone where they got it and they directed me to a store. Low and behold the lovely things would cost me $50!!! No way was I paying that. I did a little research and found this lovely tutorial. It cost me less then $20 and only took a couple hours!
We love Russell's bouncy/vibrating chair! it is the perfect place for nap or play time when Mom needs her hands or needs to be mobile.

Last, but not least! The BINKY!! Russell loves his binky! He arrived with a very strong urge to suck. I have to give my Mom some credit. About a week before Rusty arrived, we were at Target and Mom was trying to talk me into getting some binkies. I didn't really see a need yet, as I know some kids don't ever take a binky and I hadn't decided whether or not to use them. I also knew the hospital would give us a couple. Well she went ahead and bought me some since I refused too. Well lets just say that they are well used already!


Strong Family - said...

Thanks for posting the link to that car seat tutorial. I've been wanting one of those and was going to figure it out myself, but it'll be much easier now. :-)

Kristi @ Lolly Jane said...

thanks for your list of fav's! i will be needing these things, minus the nursing cover ;) SOON!!!